

Hello, love!

Had my fill of hiatus and I am baaaaack! (Ahem..again. I figured I've made this line so hackneyed it bares my derelict blogger duties. But this would help explain why this post is up on my blog so timely. Pardon me talking inside these bows. I like making segues in parenthesis. ha-ha.)

So, busy with lists, aren't we? The season for resolutions is upon us again and plans for change are ubiquitous. Jotting down things to achieve, things to change, the classic Do's and Dont's... et cetera. Will we ever tire of making rules and goals we barely commit to? Nah. Coz I made another list myself. Yiha! That being said, I don't want commitment let loose this time. 

I won't be going through each bit on my list. I'd like to zero in on my number one since I deem it a priority and of extreme importance as it holds the key to transforming number two and so from mere ink blots into reality..


Setting rules and making goals for ourselves are as easy as counting 1,2,3. Especially when everyone's hyped on the 'new'. But between that starting line and the desired result lies a few hurdles that need to be overcome - execution and consistency. Why these? Based on the specific goals I've laid (which holds true to most), execution is needed to jumpstart goals as they will remain so if not acted on (naman!); and since not everything can be attained in a single shot, one needs to be consistent, if stopped prematurely, these goals won't be met either. That's where self-discipline comes in. It's the driving force we all need to stay aligned with our goals. Yes, there are other factors needed but this one major bit I sorely lack.

"In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-discipline with all of them came first."-Harry S. Truman 

Imposing discipline on oneself, simply put, is like being your own boss/trainer/teacher/whatnot. You hold the lock and key alike. Holding such freedom and control is never easy. It's easier to justify your own actions, easier to let pass lapses but harder to keep a straight path, alibi-free. For most if not all times, we be like "This can wait. If I don't do it, nobody would argue, nobody would complain, nobody would get hurt, best of all I'd owe nobody any explanation, nada."

Disappointing. But this is reality... this has been my reality for so long. I want it changed. I want to make a better year out of 2014. Each goal on my list is aimed to make me a healthier individual and a more productive young professional. I cant risk each one going down the drain like I did myriad of times already. As author Lou Holtz once said, without self-discipline, success is impossible, period. I couldn't agree more.

How about you? What are your plans this year? Share!! I want to knooow. 

PS. The happy-sunny-perky me remains. But serious matters need serious attention. This naughty rule-breaker in me needs constant reminder and a bit of spanking if necessary. I'd rather not have people do that on me so self-discipline is more apt. :p

PPS. One tangible proof I've imposed discipline on myself quite effectively is when you see posts up on my blog on a regular basis. Else, you'll see another "I'm baaaaack!" for a greeting. 

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